Sunday, June 10, 2007


My Great Grandma Boyle's initials were LB. My grandma and great aunts used to call her Lard Butt. LB really stood for Lorraine Boyle. And now, those initials, and the mean nickname hit home. LB today isn't my Great Grandma's initials, it's my favorite store in the whole world. The one place I can shop where they all know exactly how I feel and how desperately I want to look as good as those tiny ass size two's even though I will NEVER, even in a casket, be that small.

So, today I am thankful for retail therapy and NORMAL people who KNOW how I feel! Pretty comes in all shapes and sizes. Thank God I am not the only person in the world that knows that!

1 comment:

Melanie D. said...

Amen! When you want to go where everybody knows your they're always glad you came....duh duh wanna be you can see your troubles are all the wanna go where everybody knows your name...duh duh duh de duh duh...

LB is cool. Now I wanna hear what you ended up buying. Please.

(I hope you caught by Cheers reference above, did your parents watch Cheers???)