Sunday, June 17, 2007


My parents, grandparents, and aunt and uncles all gave me the best gift as a child that anyone could have ever asked for; Knowledge of God. We went to church EVERY Sunday. Our big ole family took up at least half of the small country congregation. Grandpa and Grandma ALWAYS sat in the same pew. Week after week, they were there. Grandpa would sleep through half of the service. No, that's a lie. Through MOST of the service. When he would start snoring, Grandma would give him a little jab in the side and he would stop. He wouldn't move, wouldn't open an eye, and really, his breathing pattern never changed.... but.... the man could recite the entire sermon to you during our Sunday meals in the North Room of their house. EVERY SUNDAY. Like clockwork. Big, yummy meals that I have only recently been told by my mom that Grandpa would get up at 5 am to start cooking for all of us.

I can even remember trying to take a little nap in my pew. My mom would get so mad at me. My brother, too. And we would agrue that Grandpa could sleep and Grandma didn't get mad, why couldn't we?? She would answer simply: When you can stay awake and tell me what the sermon was about, I will let you try and sleep through it and tell me what it was about, like Grandpa can. We never got the chance to try and sleep through church.... we couldn't even tell her what the sermon was about most days.

It's these stories and this Faith in God that gets me through life to this day. Without the trust that I have in God and my family, I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I am strong. And I know Who is in control.... not me..... Him. Makes things a lot easier to take when I remember that I just have to lay it all at His feet, and Thy will is done.


1 comment:

Jacqniel said...

I am so slow - I just found this blog! Now I can bug you in two places! :-)