Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My husbands flub ups

Ok. This is mean. I know it is. But, I am thankful for them, none the less.

Last year for Mother's Day, my husband bought me a bike. It's what I REALLY wanted. I also wanted an infant seat for it so that our youngest could ride with me while the older two rode their bikes. So, he got me that too. It was wonderful. All summer the kids and I rode bikes. We went everywhere. We rode around the block at least three times a day.

Then, this April, not one year after getting my bike, someone stole it off my front porch. They walked up, while the lights were on not only in my house, but in the neighbors, and took the bike off of the porch. This is a HUGE risk, as I am a smoker and I am outside quite often smoking once the kids are in bed and I am doing chores. They did it, though. They made away with my beautiful new bike and infant seat. Not only was I crushed, so was my 3 year old. I called the cops and all that jazz. It hasn't been returned.

So this year when my husband asked me what I wanted I said a new bike. The same one I had. Nothing fancy, but perfect for me. I got online and looked and it was on sale!!!! A $300 bike for $130!!!! So, he went in to town STAT and got the bike (and a chain). When he got to Toys R Us, the bike was actually $70!!!! EVEN BETTER!!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!

Here is the funny flub up.....

So, he gets home and starts assembling the bike. He had some problems last year with this chore, since he had never had to do it before on an adult bike. This year, it was like he was a pro! Had it done in about 15 minutes compared to last years two hours. LOL!

The bike was assembled and he was airing up the tires. I was sitting here posting the previous blog. I hear this BANG!!! LOL!!!! He blew the innertube on the front tire!!! I have a new bike, but I can't ride it!!! So, needless to say, it stinks because he is gone for three days and I won't be able to enjoy my bike while riding it in the nice cool spell we are having right now, but I am happy that I got such a good chuckle (behind his back, of course) over it all!

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